Trying to figure it out!!!

I am at the end of my graduation, I still have a year n a half to go but any ways I am approaching towards the end and by this time all of us face people who have all figured out, like may be not all but they know what they want to do further. And I am tired of the question every other person asks me specially “ELDERS” and that’s WHAT I WANNA DO NEXT ???


Well unlike few people I don’t haven’t figured it out at all. May be I was busy living in the moment 😀 or may be wasn’t serious enough, it can be anything I don’t know what it is and I don’t even care !!! I do care about my future but it’s as simple as that in my case I have scattered dreams, which point me to different directions. I don’t need a single thing to stick with for the whole life.


It is good that till this time there are people who have it all figured out and know what they wanna do , they have that passion for a thing to carry it for the rest of their life ,  who sure as hell know which way to proceed. But I don’t need that for myself. I want to strew in all ways I like. I want to remain Scattered.




I don’t want to proceed in a single way just want to carry out doing whatever I like to do!!! I want to do everything that makes me happy and just not move linearly rather disperse like a waveform in all the directions tending to infinity… I have been trying to find out that one thing that combines all my interest but I haven’t got one. N I guess it’s not possible either.


So this time I decided to do different things at the same time because that’s what I do the best, that’s what brings out the best in me. Having thousand’s of things to do , managing stuff and doing it by prioritizing it is fun , whereas if I have nothing to do other way round is lethargic.

All of this wasn’t written to brag about how serious I am about my life but I personally feel that it’s not important to know where U end up coz eventually when you do U’ll know about it, It’s important to take risks, do different things to know what makes U passionate about it and along the way u’ll find something good which U never knew could have happened if U didn’t think out of box!!!


It’s A Girl Thing

Is something special today ?? yes it is ..  Since 2012 UNITED NATION marks  October  11th  as International day of girl child !! Sometimes  we as young girls forget how blessed we are to have facilities which million of other girls around the world don’t have , like access to education, internet, making their own life decisions , instead are forced into child marriage , sex slavery , child labour. There are girls who don’t have choice what happens to them. Their abilities are impeded and they are trapped in darkness by their own guardians. They do not get anything they deserve, and are unfamiliar with the outer world.

This day is not just about women’s right which we do talk about a lot in our community but specifically its about Girls Right.


Don’t hold us back, together we fierce, we can change things. We think of happiness , a Li’l rough day is huge trouble to us But there are millions of child bride who never have a choice.while we are holding on to dreams .. Some of us have to work hard for living ,some of us too soon, there are millions of us who have to work without any hope and shattered dreams. If we are boxed in and our potential is blocked there is no way for peaceful living. Its time for us to overcome all these affairs.

“We have the responsibility to make sure that they get their rights and  can grow up to be Women they can be.This post was to address all these things going across the world,NOT JUST TO READ TO ACT !!”